Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience and to personalize the content and advertising displayed. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. These cookies allow us to recognize your device and collect information about your interaction with our website, which helps us to continually improve our website and offer you a personalized user experience.

Types of cookies used
  • Essential cookies: these cookies are necessary for our website to function properly and allow you to navigate the site and use its features.
  • Analysis cookies: these cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, such as the pages visited and any errors that may occur. We use this information to continually improve our website and offer you a better and more personalized user experience.

Management, acceptance and configuration of cookies

Consent can be unequivocal and granted implicitly when it can be deduced from an action of the interested party (for example, when the interested party continues browsing the platform and thus accepts the use of cookies to monitor their navigation). Therefore, every time you access our platform, we provide you with information about our cookie policy, so that, despite this information, if you continue browsing this, we will understand that you give your unequivocal consent for the informed purposes associated with these, being able to change the configuration associated with your navigation at any time, except in the case of technical cookies, including the cookie associated with the legal notice that we use cookies on the platform in compliance with applicable regulations.

Technical cookies are fundamental to enable user navigation on the platform, so their deactivation or disablement by the user will prevent such navigation. That is, these cookies are absolutely necessary to allow such navigation and support the functions of our Platform (whether or not determined by applicable regulations) and, therefore, cannot be deactivated. Similarly, if you disable other types of cookies, certain functionalities provided by our Platform to provide you with a better service or improve its quality may stop working or not do so correctly.

Regarding analytical cookies, you can withdraw your consent related to this policy at any time, being able to deactivate the cookies stored on your terminal or equipment by making the adjustments and settings of your Internet browser, as shown below.

We offer you information on how you can carry out the management and deactivation of the cookies used on the platform through the different options offered by the most common browsers:

Deleting cookies

The easiest way to delete cookies is through your browser settings.